
Zombicon is a humongous zombie festival put on in downtown Ft Myers every year before Halloween!

UPDATE 2016:  There will be no Zombicon anymore due to last year's tragic shooting at the event.

It was started in 2007 with about 350 people dressing up as zombies and by 2012 reached over 20,000 attendees.

The festival has become one of the most popular Fort Myers events.

For 2015, it will held on October 17th ......... with the dress-up theme being Nuclear Fallout: 1985.

Zombies come from around the state, the country, and even from other countries. 

fort myers events

Downtown Fort Myers is the location of the movie Day of the Dead, made in 1985 by George Romero, third in the series of the Living Dead movies .......... and so the idea was born to have a festival in the same location.

things to do in ft myers

In 2011, the festival was part of Guinness World Book of Records, and apparently has unofficially beaten the record for most zombies in one place!


New for 2012, the festival took place over a whole weekend ............ with a convention featuring vendors, demonstrations, activities, artists and authors, costume contests, and performances during the day at the Harborside Event Center, and the famous Zombie Walk down First Street.

You'll find everyone from babies to grandparents either dressed up, with make-up on, or just walking around people-watching.

ft myers evente

Restaurants, bars, art galleries, and shops remain open and many have their own parties and specials for the occasion.  Live music is performed from 4 different stages and you can expect to be packed in like sardines.

Even so, it's a lot of fun, and we like to go for a couple of hours ........ and leave before things get too crazy!

things to do in fort myers

Dress-up themes throughout the past years have been: Old Hollywood, pirates, and aliens.


So, when October comes around and you're looking for things to do in Ft Myers, get some scary make-up on and go to Zombicon!

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